Occupational Therapy

The Department of Occupational Therapy at the Diaplasis rehabilitation and recovery center provides its services to adults with neurological and orthopedic health problems.

Occupational therapy is based of the general principle of using the patient’s potential to make him/her a functional and independent individual. Occupational therapy use a targeted activity (project) to achieve the maximum level of functionality and independence in all aspects of life and to resume the social roles that he/she had before the illness or disability, through targeted activities.

During Occupational Therapy:

  • cognitive, sensory and motor skills are developed
  • activities of daily living retraining programs are conducted (self-reliance)
  • appropriate aids are suggested and made per case for the independent performance of daily living activities and patients are trained to use them
  • the necessary ergonomic adjustments of living space are suggested


Special Equipment

The Department of Occupational Therapy is equipped with:

  • ROBOTIC device for retraining the upper extremities, the Armeo spring . It is the most advanced robotic device for the functional rehabilitation of the upper extremities. The Armeo is aimed for patients, who have lost function or have impaired functionality of their upper extremities, because of a neurological or orthopedic injury. It is a robotic orthotic device for the arm that provides adjustable upper extremity weight support and in combination with visual stimuli from a computer (biofeedback), in a pleasant environment, it inspires and motivates the patient to perform functional, focused, self-guided and intensive motor skill treatment.
  • BIOMETRICS E – Link, which is an advanced system that assesses and retrains the skills of upper limb via optical computer stimuli. The Biometrics maintains a full record in memory for each patient, which includes functional and muscle tests, sensory tests, schematic images of any malfunctions or pain, presence of edema, etc. Moreover, it enables the assessment of range of motion of all joints using an electronic goniometer.
  • Nintendo Wii, an interactive medium that offers a wide range of games designed to develop the patient’s proprioception and neuromuscular coordination, ultimately achieving functional recovery of the upper and lower extremities in a pleasant manner. The duration and difficulty level can be set with games, thus giving the patient the incentive to better control his/her movement.



Why does Diaplasis differ

  • Diaplasis Values


    At Diaplasis we believe that people with mobility problems should be given the opportunity to regain their utmost independence and have the best quality of life. Diaplasis believes that high quality rehabilitation remains its primary goal.


    At Diaplasis we are all committed to providing our patients continuous high services with love and affection at all times.


    At Diaplasis we are all dedicated to a common goal, to providing the best rehabilitation to each of our patients.


    At Diaplasis we are all one loving family. When a new member (patient) is added, he/she will immediately feel surrounded by warmth, caring, interest and love. Not only for as long as he/she is with us, but forever.

  • Patient Experiences

    Through their efforts and special personalized rehabilitation treatments, the patients at Diaplasis have managed to reach their goal and they now raise the bar for their independence even higher.

    Their inner strength gives us the courage to continue our work; Life’s work.

  • Points that differentiate Diaplasis

    It has the most specialized scientific rehabilitation team

    All its therapeutic services are entirely anthropocentric

    It has the most modern and complete medical – rehabilitative equipment

    It is housed in the most modern and functionally designed infrastructures

    It follows and designs the most modern therapeutic methods

    It is stands by its fellow man forever, even after hospitalization

    All its functions are ISO certified (feeding according to HACCP)

    It achieves maximum recovery in the shortest possible time

    The patient is a member

Benefits, in selecting Diaplasis

  • First benefit

    Recovery from injury or illness, implementation of treatment to recover proper function and mobility of the body.

  • Second benefit

    Excellent care and support by qualified physicians and staff to hospitalized patients

  • Third benefit

    Patients are able to accomplish individualized rehabilitation programs, achieving the maximum result.